Pubblicazioni di Di Giorgio Alessandro


DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Lisi Federico, Monaco Salvatore, Pietrabissa Antonio, RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo, Suraci Vincenzo
Multi-agent quality of experience control. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION, AND SYSTEMS 2017: 892-904

RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Gambuti Raffaele, Tortorelli Andrea, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco
On the many-to-many carpooling problem in the context of multi-modal trip planning. 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017: 303-309

Liberati Francesco, Giuseppi Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio, Suraci Vincenzo, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Trubian Marco, Dietrich David, Papadimitriou Panagiotis, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco


Canale Silvia, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Lisi Federico, Panfili Martina, Celsi L. Ricciardi, Suraci Vincenzo, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco
A Future Internet oriented user centric extended intelligent transportation system. 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2016) 2016: 1133-1139

DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Germanà Roberto, Presciuttini Marco, RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco
On the control of energy storage systems for electric vehicles fast charging in service areas. 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2016: 955-960


DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Lanna Andrea
Electric energy storage systems integration in distribution grids. 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC 2015) 2015: 1279-1284

Gambuti Raffaele, Canale Silvia, Facchinei Francisco, Lanna Andrea, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
Electric vehicle trip planning integrating range constraints and charging facilities. 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2015: 472-479

Martirano Luigi, Marrocco Roberto, Liberati Francesco, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
KNX protocol compliant load shifting and storage control in residential buildings. 2015 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting 2015: 1-6

Martirano Luigi, Parise Giuseppe, Falvo Maria Carmen, Grasselli Umberto, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Lanna Andrea
Real time optimal power flow integrating large scale storage devices and wind generation. 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2015 - Conference Proceedings 2015: 480-486


Lanna Andrea, Liberati Francesco, Zuccaro Letterio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Canale Silvia
Liberati Francesco, Mercurio Andrea, Zuccaro Letterio, A. Tortorelli, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
Electric vehicles charging load reprofiling. 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2014: 728-733

Di Giorgio A., Mercurio A., Pimpinella L.
G. Coppola, F. Caleno, T. Casacchia, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Mercurio Andrea, Liberati Francesco, Zuccaro Letterio
Zuccaro Letterio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Canale Silvia, Lanna Andrea, V. Fernandez Pallares, A. Mart nez Blanco, R. Urbano Escobar, J. Ratej, B. Mehle, U. Krisper


Martirano Luigi, Serena Fornari, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Canale Silvia
IEC 61851 compliant electric vehicle charging control in smartgrids. 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED13 2013: 1329-1335

DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Pietrabissa Antonio
Mercurio Andrea, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Fabio Purificato
Optimal fully electric vehicle load balancing with an ADMM algorithm in smartgrids. 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED13 2013: 119-124

Silvia Canale, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Andrea Lanna, Andrea Mercurio, Panfili Martina, Pietrabissa Antonio
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Mercurio Andrea, Liberati Francesco
J. Monreal, P. Peral, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, A. Martinez, V. Fernandez


DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Laura Pimpinella, Francesco Liberati
A model predictive control approach to the load shifting problem in a household equipped with an energy storage unit. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 1491-1498

Andrea Mercurio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Alessandra Quaresima
Distributed control approach for Community Energy Management Systems. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 1265-1271

Andrea Mercurio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Alessandra Quaresima
Distributed control approach for Community Energy Management Systems in presence of storage. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 1303-1308

DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Francesco Liberati, Silvia Canale
Optimal electric vehicles to grid power control for active demand services in distribution grids. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 1309-1315

Canale Silvia, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Lanna Andrea, Mercurio Andrea, Panfili Martina, Pietrabissa Antonio
Resilient planning of PowerLine Communications networks over Medium Voltage distribution grids. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 710-715


DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Laura Pimpinella, Alessandra Quaresima, Simone Curti
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Francesco Liberati
Interdependency modeling and analysis of critical infrastructures based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks. 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED 2011) 2011: 791-797


DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Laura Pimpinella, Andrea Mercurio
A feedback linearization based Wind turbine control system for ancillary services and standard steady state operation. 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10 2010: 1585-1590

Andrea Mercurio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Laura Pimpinella
Generation Portfolio Optimization by NPV formulation, Monte Carlo Estimators and Genetic Algorithms. 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10 2010: 761-766

L. Pimpinella, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, A. Mercurio
Local energy management system: Control scheme and loads modeling. 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10 2010: 304-308

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