A Visual data story: inception, evolution, and actual state of Visualization (my view of)
Giuseppe Santucci
speaker DIAG:
Data dell'evento:
Tuesday, 1 March, 2022 - 14:00
In ottemperanza ai requisiti previsti dalla procedura selettiva per n. 3 posti di Professore di ruolo di I Fascia per il Settore Concorsuale 09/H1 – Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ING-INF/05 presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale “Antonio Ruberti”,
1 Marzo 2022
ore 14:00
in collegamento Zoom : https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/85780077400
1 Marzo 2022
ore 14:00
in collegamento Zoom : https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/
si terrà il seminario pubblico di Giuseppe Santucci sulle sue attività di ricerca. La notizia verrà pubblicata anche sul sito del DIAG.
A Visual data story: inception, evolution, and actual state of Visualization
(my view of)
The seminar will retrace the history of the visualization, starting from the first paper-based attempts, through the use of the computers to support the process, till the actual emerging field of Progressive Visual Analytics. I will try to clarify why we use visualizations, what were the main goals along the time, what is the relevance of the interaction in complex visual data analysis, what is stable and what is still a topic requiring more investigations, and how my research activities are connected with this growing and evolving topic.
The main research interests of Giuseppe Santucci are in the broad area of Databases and Visualization, including Visual Query languages, Semantic Modeling, and Information Visualization and Visual Analytics that has been challenged in the domains of Information Retrieval, Cyber Security, and Network Medicine. The results of this research activity lead to the publication of about 200 publications with 150 co-authors, including 37 Journal Papers, and about 120 peer-reviewed conferences and workshops.
He has participated as author and speaker at more than 100 editions of international conferences, he served and continues to serve as PC member of the most relevant conferences of his research areas, including EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization (Eurovis), IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), EuroVa, Infovis, Information Visualization, VizSec, IVAPP, INTERACT, CD-MAKE, etc.
He has organized 2 editions of conferences (AVI 2010, CLEF 2012) and 4 editions of international workshops (Beliv (2006,2008), EuroVA (2011,2012) relevant in the field of Visual Analytics, Infovis and Information Retrieval. Moreover, he has been the chair of the scientific committee (program co-chair) and organizer (general co-chair) more than 12 editions of international conferences, keynote speaker at the FIRE conference, 2012, He has been and is currently in the steering committee of some of the most relevant international conferences and workshops in the in the Visualization, Infovis, and Visual Analytics sectors: IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST),
EG / VGTC Conference on Visualization Eurovis (leading visualization conference in Europe), ACM International Workshop BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization BELIV.
He continues to serve as reviewer of the most important international journals in his research area, such as IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, ACM – TIS, etc.
Since 2008 he has been part of the editorial review committee of the International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) and he is a member of the Emeritus Editorial Board of the International Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC).
He has participated as author and speaker at more than 100 editions of international conferences, he served and continues to serve as PC member of the most relevant conferences of his research areas, including EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization (Eurovis), IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), EuroVa, Infovis, Information Visualization, VizSec, IVAPP, INTERACT, CD-MAKE, etc.
He has organized 2 editions of conferences (AVI 2010, CLEF 2012) and 4 editions of international workshops (Beliv (2006,2008), EuroVA (2011,2012) relevant in the field of Visual Analytics, Infovis and Information Retrieval. Moreover, he has been the chair of the scientific committee (program co-chair) and organizer (general co-chair) more than 12 editions of international conferences, keynote speaker at the FIRE conference, 2012, He has been and is currently in the steering committee of some of the most relevant international conferences and workshops in the in the Visualization, Infovis, and Visual Analytics sectors: IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST),
EG / VGTC Conference on Visualization Eurovis (leading visualization conference in Europe), ACM International Workshop BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization BELIV.
He continues to serve as reviewer of the most important international journals in his research area, such as IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, ACM – TIS, etc.
Since 2008 he has been part of the editorial review committee of the International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) and he is a member of the Emeritus Editorial Board of the International Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC).
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