Pubblicazioni di Matteucci Giorgio
Avenali Alessandro, Catalano Giuseppe, Giagnorio Mirko, Matteucci Giorgio
Factors influencing the adoption of zero-emission buses: A review-based framework. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 2024: -
Avenali A., Aniballi V., Marazza M., Matteucci G., Nonino F.
Approccio interdisciplinare alla nozione di ramo d’azienda dematerializzato. LABOUR & LAW ISSUES 2023: 1-34
Avenali Alessandro, Catalano Giuseppe, Giagnorio Mirko, Matteucci Giorgio
Assessing cost-effectiveness of alternative bus technologies: Evidence from US transit agencies. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH. PART D, TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT 2023: -
Avenali A., Daraio C., Di Leo S., Matteucci G., Nepomuceno T.
Systematic reviews as a metaknowledge tool: caveats and a review of available options. INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 2023: 2761-2806
Avenali A., Catalano G., D'AlfonsO T., GiagnorIo M., Gregori M., Matteucci G.
A bottom-up cost model for electric railbased regional public transport services: The ITALIAN CONTEXT. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION 2021: 327-339
Avenali A., Catalano G., D'Alfonso T., Giagnorio M., Matteucci G.
A proxy cost model for tramway services. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION 2020: 353-367
Daraio C., Bruni R., Catalano G., Daraio A., Matteucci G., Scannapieco M., Wagner-Schuster D., Lepori B.
A Tailor-made Data Quality Approach for Higher Educational Data. JOURNAL OF DATA AND INFORMATION SCIENCE 2020: 129-160
Avenali A., D'Alfonso T., Matteucci G., Nash C.
Avenali A., Catalano G., Gregori M., Matteucci G.
Rail versus bus local public transport services: a social cost comparison methodology. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES 2020: -
Avenali A., Catalano G., D'Alfonso T., Matteucci G.
The allocation of national public resources in the Italian local public bus transport sector. RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION ECONOMICS 2020: -
Catalano Giuseppe, Daraio Cinzia, Diana Marco, Gregori Martina, Matteucci Giorgio
Efficiency, effectiveness, and impacts assessment in the rail transport sector: A state-of-the-art critical analysis of current research. INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 2019: 5-40
Daraio C., Bruni R., Catalano G., Daraio A., Matteucci G., Scannapieco M., Wagner-Schuster D., Lepori B.
European Tertiary Education Register (ETER): Evolution of the data quality approach. 17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2019 - Proceedings 2019: 2766-2767
Avenali A., Catalano G., D'alfonso T., Matteucci G.
Standard cost of italian metro services: The influence of automatism, wheels technology and capacity. Urban Transport XXIV 2019: 49-59
Avenali A., Boitani A., Catalano G., Matteucci G., Monticini A.
Standard costs of regional public rail passenger transport: evidence from Italy. APPLIED ECONOMICS 2019: 1-14
Avenali Alessandro, Boitani Andrea, Catalano Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Matteucci Giorgio
Assessing standard costs in local public bus transport: A hybrid cost model. TRANSPORT POLICY 2018: 48-57
Matteucci G., Reverberi P.
Uniform pricing and product innovation. THE B.E. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL ECONOMICS 2018: -
Matteucci Giorgio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Drug innovation, price controls, and parallel trade. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT 2017: 159-179
Avenali Alessandro, Matteucci Giorgio, Nonino Fabio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Facility management outsourcing through multi-attribute auctions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED DECISION SCIENCES 2017: 233-253
Avenali Alessandro, Catalano Giuseppe, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Matteucci Giorgio, Manno Andrea
Key-cost drivers selection in local public bus transport services through machine learning. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment 2017: 155-166
Avenali Alessandro, Boitani Andrea, Catalano Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Matteucci Giorgio
Assessing standard costs in local public bus transport: a hybrid cost model. World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) 2016: -
Avenali Alessandro, Boitani Andrea, Catalano Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Matteucci Giorgio
Assessing standard costs in local public bus transport: Evidence from Italy. TRANSPORT POLICY 2016: 164-174
Daraio Cinzia, Diana Marco, Di Costa Flavia, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Nastasi Alberto
Efficiency and effectiveness in the urban public transport sector: A critical review with directions for future research. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 2016: 1-20
Avenali Alessandro, A. Boitani, Catalano Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto, Matteucci Giorgio
Rail versus bus local public transport services: an efficiency benchmarking methodology. XXVII Riunione Scientifica Annuale AiIG 2016: -
Matteucci Giorgio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Some unintended consequences of parallel trade in pharmaceuticals. MANAGERIAL AND DECISION ECONOMICS 2016: 50-61
Avenali Alessandro, Boitani A., Catalano Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto, Matteucci Giorgio
Un modello per la determinazione del costo standard nei servizi di trasporto pubblico locale su ferrovia. XVIII Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Economia dei Trasporti e della Logistica 2016: -
Avenali Alessandro, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Nastasi Alberto, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
An incentive pricing mechanism for efficient airport slot allocation in Europe. JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT 2015: 27-36
Avenali Alessandro, Boitani Andrea, Catalano Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Matteucci Giorgio
Assessing standard costs in local public transport: evidence from Italy. 2015 Kuhmo NECTAR conference on Transportation Economics ITEA 2015: -
Avenali Alessandro, Matteucci Giorgio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Can access regulation promote broadband investment and consumer welfare?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY, POLICY AND MANAGEMENT 2015: 357-377
Avenali Alessandro, A. Boitani, Catalano Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Matteucci Giorgio
Costi e fabbisogni standard per finanziare il TPL: E' ora?. TP: TRASPORTI PUBBLICI 2015: 42-48
Avenali Alessandro, A. Boitani, Catalano Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto, Matteucci Giorgio
Un modello per la determinazione del costo standard nei servizi di trasporto pubblico ferroviario regionale. XXVI Riunione Scientifica Annuale Aassociazione Italiana Ingegneria Gestionale 2015: -
Avenali Alessandro, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Vertical control and parallel trade under asymmetric information. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 2015: 1-11
Avenali Alessandro, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Nastasi Alberto, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
A supervised market mechanism for efficient airport slot allocation. Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti Technical Reports 2014: 1-24
Avenali Alessandro, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Access price regulation, competition and broadband investment. Handbook on Economics, Finance and Management Outlooks 2014: 329-337
Avenali Alessandro, Matteucci Giorgio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Broadband investment and welfare under functional and ownership separation. INFORMATION ECONOMICS AND POLICY 2014: 70-82
Daraio Cinzia, Diana M., DI COSTA Flavia, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Nastasi Alberto
Efficiency and effectiveness in the public transport sector: a critical review with directions for future research.. Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti Technical Reports 2014: -
Avenali Alessandro, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Nastasi Alberto, Nonino Fabio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Innovative procurement design for facility management services. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology 2014: 68-74
Matteucci Giorgio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Parallel trade, product quality, and welfare. ECONOMICS LETTERSDepartment of Computer and System Sciences Antonio Ruberti Technical Reports 2014: 258-262
Avenali Alessandro, Andrea Boitani, Catalano Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Matteucci Giorgio
Un modello per la determinazione del costo standard nei servizi di trasporto pubblico locale su autobus in Italia. ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE 2014: 181-213
Avenali Alessandro, Cinzia Battistella, Matteucci Giorgio, Nonino Fabio
A mechanism for supporting collective innovation: the open contract-based challenge. INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND E-BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 2013: 541-568
Avenali Alessandro, Matteucci Giorgio, Nonino Fabio
Developing Web-Based Dynamic Negotiation towards Collective Innovation: the Open Contract Mechanism. Organizational Change and Information Systems: Working and Living Together in New Ways 2013: 215-224
Avenali Alessandro, Catalano Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Matteucci Giorgio
La determinazione del costo standard nei servizi di trasporto pubblico locale su autobus: aspetti metodologici e prime esperienze applicative. Conferenza Annuale ANAV – Associazione Nazionale Autotrasporti Viaggiatori 2013: -
Avenali Alessandro, Matteucci Giorgio, Nonino Fabio
Design and implementation a web-based tool to support collective innovation: the Open Contract Mechanism. Organization change and Information Systems: Working and living together in new ways 2012: -
Matteucci Giorgio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Parallel trade and its impact on incentives to invest in product quality. Department of Computer and System Sciences Antonio Ruberti Technical Reports 2011: -