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3D Surface Reconstruction
Access control and authorization
Action and Activity Recognition
Activity Understanding from 3D data
Algorithmic approaches for bioinformatics and elearning
Algorithmic Data Analysis
Algorithmic Game Theory
Algorithmic Mechanism Design and Network Economics
Analysis and Modelling of Metabolic Systems
Analysis, identification and control of biomedical systems
Anticipation and Forecasting
Application security
Approximation and On-line Algorithms
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Attacks and defenses
Auditory Perception
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality and Computer Animated Virtualization
Automated Personalization and Adaptation in Web-based Learning
Big Data
Big Data Optimization
Bilevel Optimization
Bioengineering for Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
Blockchain Technologies
Blockchains and distributed ledger security
Cloud security
Coalition Formation Models and Collusive Agreements in Oligopolies
Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction
Cognitive Robotics
Competition, Regulation and Industrial Policy
Competitive TEL
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Computational Biology and Polymer Sequencing
Computational Optimization and Optimal Control in Medicine and Biology
Control Applications
Control of Networks
Control under Communication Constraints
Cooperation and Coordination
Cooperative Perception
Cyber physical systems security
Data Acquisition and Sensor Networks
Data cleaning
Data Integration and Exchange
Data Mining
Data Mining and Classification
Data privacy and security
Data quality
Data Science
Data Warehousing
Decentralized Applications
Delay Systems
Dense Image Fusion
Derivative Free Methods
Description Logics
Discrete-time and Sampled Data Systems
Distributed estimation
Distributed Planning and Problem Solving
Distributed Systems Interoperability
Distributed systems security
Economics and Management of Education and Research
Economics and Computation
Economics and regulation of network industries
Economics of Network Industries
Economics of security and privacy
Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
Efficiency Analysis
Embedded systems security
Engineering Design Optimization
Epidemic modeling and control
Event-based Systems
Experimental Algorithmics
External Memory and Streaming Algorithms for Massive Data Processing
Feedback linearization
Fog Computing
Game Engineering
Game-based Technology-Enhanced Learning
Geometric Modeling and Multi-view Geometry
Gesture Recognition
Global Optimization
Graph and Text mining
Graph theory and Optimization
Haptic and Locomotion Interfaces
Hardware security
Heterogeneous Computing
High Performance Computing
Human Motion Analysis
Human Motion Analysis
Human-Robot Interaction
Humanoid Locomotion
Hybrid Systems
Incremental Algorithms and Dynamic Data Structures
Industry Studies: Media
Information Fusion
Information Fusion and Situation Assessment
Information Reconstruction
Information Visualization
Internationalization and the Environment
Internet of Things
Intrusion detection and prevention
Large-scale Complex Networks
Learning Analytics
Logics for AI
Machine learning and AI security
Malware Analysis
Malware and unwanted software
Management Control Systems
Mechanism Design
Mechanism Design and Auctions
Medical Robotics
Memory and next step prediction in Long Short Time Memory (LSTM) Networks
Methods and Techniques for Neuroengineering
Migration and Innovation
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming
Mobile Robot Navigation
Mobile Robots
Mobile security
Model Predictive Control of Robots
Modeling, Filtering and Optimal Control of Communication Networks
Modelling Uncertainty in Knowledge Representation
Motion and Trajectory Planning
Multi-Agent and Multi Robot Systems
Multi-Agent/Robot Learning
Multi-core Programming
Multi-tier Architectures
Multimodal Human Robot Interaction
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Understanding
Network and Stochastic Processes
Network and systems security
Network Coding
Networks of Resource Constrained Devices
Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines
Non-blocking/Wait-Free Algorithms
Nonlinear observers
Nonlinear Optimization
On-line Social Networks
Ontology Based Data Management
Operating Systems
Operations Management
Operations management
Optimal Control and Stochastic Systems
Optimal control for resource management
Optimal Filtering
Parallel and Distributed Computing Platforms
Parallel and distributed optimization methods
Pattern Recognition
Peer Assessment
People Centric Sensing
Performability Models
Physical Human-Robot Interaction
Physics based methods
Planning and Control of UAVs
Polyhedral Combinatorics
Portfolio Optimization
Principles of Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Privacy technologies and mechanisms
Process and Workflow Management
Processing and analysis of bioelectrical signals
Productivity and efficiency analysis
Project Management
Protocol security
R&D and Innovation
R&D, Innovation, and public policies
Random Structures
Reasoning about Actions and Planning
Recommender Systems
Reinforcement Learning
Remote Control
Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Policies
Resource allocation in communication networks
Resource Sharing Systems
Robot Competitions and Benchmarking
Robot Control
Robot Learning for Planning and Control
Robot Modeling and Identification
Robot Perception
Robot Security
Robust Control
Robust Optimization
Sampled Data Systems
Satisfiability in Propositional Logic
Scene Representation
Scheduling and Job-shop Scheduling
Secure and robust distributed systems
Security and privacy for the Internet of Things
Security and privacy metrics
Security architectures
Security awareness
Security for cyber-physical systems
Security governance
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma