Researcher (RTD-B) in control engineering, currently working mainly on cyber-physical systems, and hybrid MPC-deep learning control algorithms, with applications to practical problems in power systems, traffic control, and task scheduling.
I obtained my PhD in Systems Engineering from Sapienza University, with a dissertation over recent control problems in the area of energy management in smart grids.
From May 2017 to December 2018 I was H2020 energy research project manager at "The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)", European Commission, Brussels, where I managed a portfolio of large energy and smart cities H2020 research projects.
Previously, I have carried out applied research in several european funded projects, in which I took project management roles as team leader, work package leader, task leader.
Courses (see above webpage for details):
- Process Identification and Control;
- Systems and Control Methods for Cyber-physical Security.